For Girls

2024-25 TRYOUTS!

Majestx is an independently run organization, powered by Coppermine, that offers an unmatched field hockey experience in Carroll County, MD and beyond.

Registration is open for the Majestx indoor field hockey club tryouts for the winter 2024-25 season. Winter consists of 35+ indoor court practices, 8 sessions of sports performance training with EVOLVE trainers and 4-5 tournaments. Some tournaments could be added at an addition cost just to that specific team. Some tournaments could be added at an additional cost. Last year some of our teams participated in the Shooting Star Thanksgiving, NIFs, NITs, and Sunshine Showcase at ESPN Worldwide of Sports in Orlando.

Please bring a stick, shin guards, mouth guard, water bottle and flat soled shoes.

Players must attend a minimum of two of the tryout dates.

There is a one-time tryout fee of $20.

July 16
July 23
August 11
August 18

Email with any questions.